Comprehensive Consultation
The Institute of Higher Education Law and Education Management advises universities and research institutes, private enterprises and public authorities in all matters of national, European and international law concerning state and private universities and other kind of higher education service suppliers.
Its counselling spectrum includes, among others, the following subjects:
- national higher education law;
- accreditation provisions for universities and university studies;
- university regulations such as university constitutions, study and examination regulations;
- co-operations between universities and educational institutions;
- national and European procurement procedures, state aid rules and tax regulations;
- franchising arrangements for the supply of studies and academic teaching hospital contracts.
The Institute assists particularly for the foundation of universities and university branches in the country and abroad, for the compilation of documents for the new or re-accreditation of studies as well as for projects to reform university regulations. It has expertise regarding opposition proceedings and litigation procedures in matters of higher education law and furnishes expert opinions for universities, authorities and courts.